For year ending September 30 , 2017 Balance Sheet 2017 Assets Total Current $14,574,923 Noncurrent Assets 115,967 Total Assets $14,690,890 Liabilities and Net Assets Total Liabilities $279,454 Total Net Assets 14,411,436 Total Liabilities and Net Assets $14,690,890 Statement of Operations 2017 Revenue $9,390,112 Expenses Claims $8,229,334 Administrative 3,063,473 Total Expenses $11,292,810 Change in Net Assets ($1,902,698) Beginning Net Assets $16,314,134 Ending Net Assets $14,411,436 12 ge n esee H ea lth P l a n Transparency and Accountability Genesee Health Plan has a commitment to the community and its members to ensure that taxpayer funds are spent wisely and transparently. •  Every penny from the county-wide millage is spent directly on health care services for patients •  $0.998 mills or $50.00 per year for a house valued at $100,000 •  To ensure taxpayer funds are spent wisely and transparently, all millage dollars are publicly disclosed and reported, and go through an independent financial audit every year •  GHP also makes yearly public reports and disclosures to the Genesee Health Plan Board of Directors and the Genesee County Board of Commissioners