Leadership Reflection Since the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2014, the Genesee Health Plan (GHP) has been challenged to evolve with the many changes taking place in health care. GHP’s main role continues to be to provide health care coverage to the uninsured of Genesee County. Prior to 2014, we provided coverage for approximately 27,000 Genesee County residents at a given time. Since 2014, GHP has assisted over 17,000 people in obtaining full health insurance under the Medicaid expansion, the Healthy Michigan Plan, as well as on the Marketplace Exchange (ACA). That has left us with a smaller group of people that we provide coverage to: those who do not qualify for these insurance programs, those who may work one, two or even three jobs but don’t receive coverage from their employer or may have recently lost a job, and those who are signing up for the Medicaid expansion or the ACA, who need immediate access to see a doctor or medications. During the last three years, we have also expanded the benefits our members receive, including covering mental health and dental. In September 2017, GHP initiated a Senior Dental Program. Medicare does not cover dental, and thousands of seniors in Genesee County do not have insurance or the means to pay for dental care. Some veterans also do not have dental coverage. This new dental program fills a large gap in dental care for our seniors and veterans. Though providing coverage for the uninsured is still the key component of GHP, we have expanded our work in the community. Through funding from the Crim Fitness Foundation, GHP has Community Health Workers (CHWs) in each of the Flint Community Schools. These CHWs play a vital role with students and their families, helping them with access to health care and improving the health of students, families and community members surrounding the schools. GHP also started a Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Support Program, with funding from the Michigan Endowment Fund and Flint Recast. This unique and needed program offers support, advocacy and links to community resources for anyone raising a family member’s child. With these expanded services, as well as the health coverage we provide, GHP impacted over 21,000 lives in our community in 2017. Real people. Your family, your neighbors or your co-workers. In this Community Report, you will get a snapshot of these real people and their stories. All of us at GHP are very proud of the work we do, helping thousands of people get access to quality, affordable, life-saving health care. You can read more stories of hope and success at www.geneseehealthplan.org. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter. Please feel free to contact us anytime if you have any questions or if we may be a resource for you. Sincerely, Jim Milanowski President and Chief Executive Officer Genesee Health Plan Kay M. Doerr Chair of the Board of Directors Genesee Health Plan Dear Friends,