GHPTransition Since the Federal implementation of the Affordable Care Act in 2014, the Genesee Health Plan has continued to evolve to address the ongoing healthcare needs of the community. Over the past four years, we have helped more than 17,000 people in obtaining full health insurance under the Medicaid expansion (the Healthy Michigan Plan) and on the Marketplace Exchange. We have also expanded member benefits to include mental health and dental coverage, and added new programs designed to reach students and their families, seniors, women and minority populations. Glossary *  Plan A: Also known as the Adult Benefit Waiver. Childless adults up to 35% of the Federal Poverty Level. Plan A members transitioned to the Healthy Michigan Plan in 2014. **  Plan B: GHP’s health care coverage for uninsured Genesee County residents with incomes less than 195% of the Federal Poverty Level. Annual income of $23,517 per year for an individual and $47,970 per year for a family of four. 2014 2017 25,385 Total Enrollment 21,477 4,700 Plan A Enrollment* — 20,685 Plan B Enrollment** 4,375 — Grant Funded Program Enrollment 17,102 6 ge n esee H ea lth P l a n