WNEM: Residents concerned about executive order ending Obamacare subsidies

October 13, 2017

GENESEE COUNTY, MI (WNEM) – When President Donald Trump decided to end the subsidies that are a part of Obamacare, he sent a shockwave through the system.

“I’m very concerned,” said Takera Madison, supporter of Obamacare.

Madison is on Obamacare, which is something the president is trying to dismantle.

President Trump signed an executive order that puts a stop to federal money that reimburses insurance companies for making health coverage more affordable for low-income people like Madison.

“I don’t have any income. I get food stamps and that’s all. I don’t get cash assistance. I don’t have a job,” Madison said.

Madison is not alone.

“There’s about 300,000 people statewide who are on what we call the market place or Obamacare. And about 60 percent of those folks get some type of subsidy. So it’s going to impact quite a bit,” said Jim Milanowski, CEO of Genesee Health Plan.

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