GHP: Providing quality health care coverage to Genesee County residents

May 6, 2021

When it comes to ensuring thousands of Genesee County’s hard-working adults, seniors and families have the health care they need, Genesee Health Plan is there for you.

Providing quality health care coverage

For over 20 years, Genesee Health Plan has provided basic affordable health care coverage for Genesee County residents. Since our founding, Genesee Health Plan has provided more than 90,000 county residents with care.

Genesee Health Plan covers preventative health care services, including doctor visits, mammograms, cancer screenings, outpatient mental health services, prescription drugs, labs and x-rays. It also provides dental care coverage to seniors and veterans through our Senior Dental Program, as many seniors and veterans don’t have dental coverage.

Many of our members work multiple jobs to make ends meet, but don’t receive health care coverage from their employers. Many are uninsured and may have lost their job and need help right away.

From young people who are not able to remain on their parents’ health care coverage, to seniors who need dental care, to veterans who do not receive coverage through the V.A., Genesee Health Plan is there to help. In fact, one in five Genesee County residents has received coverage from Genesee Health Plan over the last 19 years.

That’s where Genesee Health Plan is there to help.

This is especially true during the COVID-19 pandemic, when many people have become unemployed or underemployed and need to utilize our health care coverage. Genesee Health Plan has also provided essential services like COVID-19 testing, drive thru flu shots and treatment.

Residents across Genesee County depend on Genesee Health Plan for basic affordable health care coverage.

This plan is unique to Genesee County residents

Genesee Health Plan would not be able to provide this quality, affordable health care to Genesee County residents without the Health Care Services Millage, which has provided a dedicated source for health care coverage since 2006.

All Genesee County residents have benefited from the health plan, from Clio to Mundy Township, from Goodrich to Flushing, from the City of Flint to rural Genesee County.

For over 15 years, 100% of the money raised from the millage has been spent on direct health care services for patients, and we publicly disclose all spending on our website and undergo annual independent audits.

In other words, transparency is a core value at Genesee Health Plan, as well as the commitment to ensure voter millage dollars only be used for direct care.

Voters across Genesee County and from many different backgrounds support Genesee Health Plan and utilize our coverage. In the latest millage election of 2018, Genesee Health Plan garnered 65% of the vote on the Health Care Services Millage, which shows the wide range of support in Genesee County.

Genesee Health plan has a proven track record of transparency and accountability and has spent taxpayer dollars wisely, doing what voters asked us to do which is to provide health care coverage to those who need it most.

We are honored to continue to provide these essential services to the Genesee County residents who need them.

Learn more about Genesee Health Plan at or call 844.232.7740.

Healthcare NEWS