PRESS RELEASE: GHP Celebrates 20 Year Anniversary!

June 22, 2021


Shannon Ciszek, Communications Coordinator, Genesee Health Plan, 810.232.7740,


Genesee Health Plan celebrates 20 years of providing quality, health care coverage for Genesee County residents

More than 90,000 people have used GHP’s life-saving health care coverage

 FLINTGenesee Health Plan is celebrating 20 years of providing high-quality, health care coverage to thousands of Genesee County adults, seniors and families.

Genesee Health Plan was created in 2001, when community leaders, including all three county hospitals, the Genesee County Health Department, and the Genesee County Board of Commissioners, identified the vital need for a health plan that provided coverage for the uninsured in Genesee County. In 2006, when the number of uninsured county residents had grown to over 60,000, voters across the county approved the Genesee Health Plan Health Care Services Millage. Genesee Health Plan uses the millage to provide health care services for county residents who do not have other health care options, could not afford other health care, and even working people whose employers do not provide health care.

A unique asset to the county, Genesee Health Plan is the first and only countywide millage-funded health plan in Michigan. The Genesee Health Plan Health Care Services Millage was first approved by voters in 2006, renewed in 2012 and most recently renewed in 2018 with 65% voter support.

“Genesee Health Plan has been an essential part of our community for years, including during the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Jim Milanowski, president and CEO of Genesee Health Plan. “We have been and continue to be there for county residents when they need basic health coverage like seeing a doctor and preventative care and during a pandemic, having access to life-saving health care coverage is crucial. Genesee Health Plan is a life-line for Genesee County and we’re grateful to celebrate 20 years of providing care to the community.”

Since its inception, Genesee Health Plan has provided live-saving coverage to more than 90,000 people with doctor’s visits, cancer screenings, prescription drugs, x-rays and many more services. Genesee Health Plan has spent more than $300 million on direct medical claims for health services in Genesee County, including:

  • More than $100 million in doctor visits,
  • More than $44 million on prescriptions,
  • More than $2.5 million on mental health services,
  • More than $5 million on dental services,
  • And more than $26 million on lab and x-ray services.

Genesee Health Plan’s services have evolved based on need, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Residents have been provided with free COVID-19 testing, flu shots and treatment coverage for the coronavirus through Genesee Health Plan.

“We at Genesee Health Plan would like to thank the community for supporting us for the last 20 years,” said Nancy Haywood, Genesee Health Plan board chairperson. “We could not have come this far or provided the level of life-saving services we do without supporters from across the county who recognize the importance of providing health care coverage to everyone who needs it. From a leadership perspective, GHP has always been accountable and transparent in their work and service to the community.”

Genesee Health Plan has formed valuable partnerships with local physicians, clinics and the three hospital systems in Genesee County to link uninsured patients to health care coverage. Currently, Genesee Health Plan is partnered with Ascension Genesys Hospital on the emPOWER Genesee project, which connects people with community resources, and on the EVANS project, which assists veterans in accessing and navigating the health care system.

“Genesee Health Plan is such an important resource in our community and many of our patients depend on it for essential health care services,” said Chris Palazzolo, CEO of Ascension Genesys. “Without Genesee Health Plan many people in our communities would go without essential, sometimes life-saving care. We are very lucky to have a resource like Genesee Health Plan to serve our residents and to provide our patients with a medical home.”


Genesee Health Plan (GHP) is Genesee County’s plan for better health which began with the vision to have a community where each person has equal and affordable opportunity to live a healthy life. GHP is a nonprofit health care organization that was launched in 2001 to provide health care coverage and life-saving services to the uninsured residents of Genesee County. The plan has provided more than 90,000 county residents with doctor’s visits, cancer screenings, prescription drugs, x-rays and many more life-saving services since 2001. Learn more about GHP at or call 844.232.7740.

Healthcare NEWS