GHP’s Transparency Statement

The Genesee Health Plan:  A Proven Track Record of Transparency and Accountability

Genesee Health Plan has a commitment to the community and its members to ensure that taxpayer funds are spent wisely and transparently.  Read below to find out more information or view our WNEM TV 5 Health Yes segment on GHP’s Accountability and Transparency.

  • Funding received by GHP through the county “Health Care Services Millage” is spent on providing health care coverage and case management/health navigation to members, and dental coverage for seniors and veterans.
  • To ensure taxpayer funds are spent wisely and transparently, all millage dollars are publicly disclosed and reported, and go through an independent financial audit every year.
  • GHP also makes yearly public reports and disclosures to the Genesee Health Plan Board of Directors and the Genesee County Board of Commissioners.

View Genesee Health Plan’s current 990 here.

The health care coverage, including  senior and veteran’s dental coverage, that Genesee Health Plan provides is funded by the Genesee County “Health Care Services Millage”.


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