
Our Mission

To improve access to health care services for low income and underserved residents of Genesee County by providing a flexible array of direct services and community partnerships to help individuals make informed decisions to better their health.

Our Vision

A community where each person has equitable and affordable opportunities to live a healthy life.

Our Objectives:

  • Analyze reimbursement for covered services delivered within the GHP health care delivery system
  • Establish GHP as the central place to go for help with health care
  • Assist and educate residents in getting, keeping, and using their health coverage
  • Nurture, develop and maintain community partnerships to ensure needed services and providers of services are available
  • Ensure the name, services and effectiveness of GHP are known throughout the County
  • Utilize the best administrative tools to manage data effectively and evaluate outcomes
  • Assure a culturally sensitive GHP workforce, delivery system, and community partners response to the needs of those seeking and utilizing services
  • Continue a pathway to sustainability

Healthcare NEWS