Eligibility & Enrollment

About Genesee Health Plan

Genesee Health Plan (GHP) is Genesee County’s plan for better health which began with the vision to have a community where each person has equal and affordable opportunity to live a healthy life. GHP is a nonprofit health care organization that was launched in 2001 to fulfill its vision by providing health care coverage and life-saving services to the uninsured residents of Genesee County.  The plan has provided more than 90,000 county residents with doctor’s visits, cancer screenings, prescription drugs, x-rays and many more life-saving services since 2001, that’s one out of five Genesee County residents that have been on the health plan.  GHP is still here, working hard to make it easier for Genesee County residents to get health care coverage.

Click here for the GHP brochure in English.

Click here for the GHP brochure in Arabic.

Click here for the GHP brochure in Spanish.

Plan B Eligibility

If you live in Genesee County, are at least 19 years of age or older, have no health insurance, and meet the income requirements, you may qualify for Plan B. You may have a Medicaid spend down and still be eligible to enroll.  You must come into the office and complete an application. Please call (810) 232-7740 if you have additional questions.

What Does GHP cover?

  • Doctor Visits
  • Outpatient Mental Health
  • Cancer Screenings
  • Prescription Drugs
  • Dental
  • Outpatient Diagnostic & Surgical
  • Lab tests & X-rays

Where To Enroll

To enroll in Genesee Health Plan, Plan B you must come into one of our enrollment locations.   You may walk into either location listed below during the hours posted.  See our event calendar or check our Facebook page for updates on when GHP is closed due to holidays or inclement weather.

Genesee Health Plan
2171 S. Linden Road
Flint, MI 48532

Monday – Friday: 9 am – 5 pm (last appointment/walk-in at 4pm)

Genesee County Health Department- Burton Branch
G-3373 S. Saginaw Street
Burton, MI 48529

Monday-Friday: 8:00 am-11:00 am and 1:00 pm-4:00 pm

What To Bring With You

To enroll in Genesee Health Plan B, you must provide proof of eligibility.  To do this you need the following:

Driver’s License or State ID – It must be valid and have your current and correct address.  This must be the address where you are living.

Social Security Card – The name on your Social Security Card must match the name on your ID.

Proof of Income* – All of the following that apply:

  • 30 days worth of pay stubs for all current jobs for yourself (and spouse, if married)
  • Proof of Unemployment – Monetary determination letter
  • Current year Federal Tax Form 1040 with Schedule C, E, F for any type of self-employment income or 1099-MISC
  • Current Statement from Social Security proving SSI, disability and/or all forms of Social Security income (self, spouse, and dependent children)
  • Proof of all retirement plans and pension income
  • Proof of Child Support and Spousal Support from Friend of the Court

If you are not receiving any type of income, please bring the Name, Address and Phone number of anyone providing any type of help or support (including providing you a place to live). 

*Bank statements CANNOT be used for proof on any income other than Child Support and the bank statement must state the income is coming from FOC or OCS.

If you have any questions about what you should bring, please do not assume.  Call Genesee Health Plan at (810) 232-7740 for more information.

How Do You Qualify

  • You must live in Genesee County
  • Over the age of 19 (including people over 65 who do not qualify for Medicare)
  • You cannot have any other health insurance
  • Meet the income requirements below:

Genesee Health Plan & Senior/Veteran’s Dental Program Income Guidelines:

Size of Family 250% FPL Yearly 250% FPL Monthly
1 $39,125 $3,260


$52,875 $4,406
3 $66,625 $5,552
4 $80,375 $6,698
5 $94,125 $7,844
6 $107,875 $8,990


The health care coverage, including senior and veteran’s dental coverage, that Genesee Health Plan provides is funded by the Genesee County “Health Care Services Millage”.


You may qualify for other coverage that offers more services and lower co-pays.  The staff at Genesee Health Plan can help you find health coverage that best fits your needs and help you enroll in that coverage.

As required by federal law and regulation, machine readable files as a part of the No Surprises Act (NSA) can be found here:  https://machinereadablestorage.z14.web.core.windows.net/9590

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