Medicaid/Flint Water Programs

MiChild, Healthy Kids, Medicaid and Water Coverage

GHP has a team of caring staff that are certified to enroll individuals into health coverage they qualify for. We provide this service at no cost to community members. For more information on Medicaid Programs and eligibility click here. GHP/phone lines are open Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Genesee Health Plan (GHP) is open to the public for in-person, virtual, and over-the-phone appointments. To schedule an in-person, virtual, or over-the-phone appointment, please call 844-232-7740 and select option 0 for the operator.

MI Choice Waiver Program (Medicaid)

The program provides community based long term care services for people who meet nursing home level of care and Medicaid financial criteria. For more information see below flyer or CLICK HERE to download.

To schedule an appointment, please call our office at (810) 232-7740 or toll-free at 844-232-7740.

Flint Registry

The Flint Registry is a project that connects people to services and programs to promote health and wellness and helps understand how the Flint water crisis has affected the Flint community. The Flint Registry is for anyone who was exposed to lead-contaminated water in the City of Flint because they lived, worked, attended school or daycare between April 25, 2014, and October 15, 2015, at any address serviced by the Flint water system. Click here for more information.

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