Your Guide to GHP: What Does GHP Cover and Why is Preventative Care Our Priority?

March 26, 2018

Your Guide to GHP: What Does GHP Cover and Why is Preventative Care Our Priority?

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. At the Genesee Health Plan (GHP), it’s our mission to make sure Genesee County residents have access to preventative health care services.

Here’s a look at what’s covered under the Genesee Health Plan.

What’s Covered Under GHP
Preventative health services covered by GHP include cancer screenings, health screenings, prescription assistance and dental coverage. GHP also covers doctor visits, lab tests, x-rays, mental health services and some outpatient procedures and surgeries. GHP’s dental coverage covers oral exams and cleanings, minor fillings and restorative care. GHP members are required to pay small copays for some of these services.

We believe it’s better to prevent a health problem from happening, so it doesn’t become an emergency problem later. That’s why GHP takes a proactive approach by providing mammograms, cancer screenings and wellness check-ups so we can detect potential problems, help people get early treatment and keep overall costs down for all Genesee County residents

What’s Not Covered Under GHP
GHP is not insurance and does not cover some services like hospitalization, emergency room visits, chiropractor visits and home health. For a complete list of what’s covered by Genesee Health Plan, read our member handbook. You can enroll in GHP at our office located at 2171 S. Linden Road in Flint, between Gordon Food Service and McDonald’s. For more information about Genesee Health Plan, visit

Every Monday, we answer a commonly asked question about the Genesee Health Plan. If you have questions about the Genesee Health Plan or would like to see a question answered on our website, contact us at  or contact our Communications Coordinator, Shannon Ciszek, by phone at 810-232-7740 ext. 245.

Genesee Health Plan: Your Plan for Better Health.

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