Your Guide to GHP: Does GHP Only Offer Health Care Coverage?

March 29, 2018

Your Guide to GHP:  Does GHP Only Offer Health Care Coverage?

At Genesee Health Plan (GHP), we are committed to ensuring that all Genesee County residents have access to quality health coverage. In addition to providing affordable basic health coverage for hard-working adults, we also offer a variety of health programs and resources like doctor visits, prescriptions, and mental health services for community members to help them lead healthy lives and detect health issues early on. Here’s a closer look at the preventative services and cancer and detection services offered through GHP:

Preventative Services
We believe it’s always better to prevent a health problem from happening than trying to find a cure later, which is why we take a proactive approach to health care. With the help of our community partners, we offer a number of preventative health services for GHP members and Genesee County residents.

  • Senior Dental Program: We do all that we can to help the most vulnerable, including seniors. While many seniors have health coverage through Medicare, that program does not provide dental coverage. GHP provides a preventative dental program for seniors, a key component of long-term health, which covers dental cleanings, oral exams, x-rays, and dental health education.
  • Health Navigation: When individuals enroll in GHP, they are referred to a GHP Health Navigator who helps them complete a health assessment, which looks at an individual’s entire health – including physical and mental health, nutrition, physical activity and health history. After the assessment, we connect our members to community resources for disease management, health education and help assist the member with making healthy lifestyle changes.
  • Community Health Workers: Launched in partnership with the Crim Fitness Foundation with funding from the C.S. Mott Community Foundation, our Community Health Workers are located in all Flint Schools and serve as front-line health education professionals who improve access to health coverage for uninsured residents and eliminate barriers to preventative health care services by connecting Flint Community Schools students, families and the local communities they serve with a medical home and community resources.
  • Vision Services: We offer a Discount Vision Services Program for those who don’t have vision coverage. This program provides adult frames and lenses at a discounted cost.
  • Grandparent Support Services: Our Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Support Services Program is a free service that connects caregivers of children – including grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and siblings – with community resources and preventative health care services. The program also provides support services to the caregivers and children for whom they are caring for.

Cancer Detection and Prevention
We take a proactive approach to health by providing cancer screenings, mammograms and health screenings for Genesee County residents. Thanks to support from the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS), we can provide women’s health services to women ages 40-64 in our community through the Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Navigation Program (BCCCNP) and the WISEWOMAN Program.

  • BCCCNP: BCCCNP provides services for women ages 40-64 who experience barriers to accessing breast and/or cervical cancer screenings, including women who have transportation issues or a language barrier. After a woman completes BCCCNP, she is eligible to enroll in the WISEWOMAN Program.
  • WISEWOMAN Program: The WISEWOMAN Program provides chronic disease risk factor screenings and support to women in Genesee County ages 40-64. GHP Health Navigators work with participants to learn about risk factors for cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure and cholesterol as well as other chronic diseases while encouraging healthy lifestyle choices.

Without Genesee Health Plan coverage, many people would not have access to primary and preventive care. It’s our number one priority to help Genesee County residents get access to quality primary and preventative health care services so they can live healthy and happy lives. If you need help navigating your health coverage options or would like to use one of our services, call our office at 844-232-7740 to speak with an Enrollment Specialist today.

Every Monday, we answer a commonly asked question about the Genesee Health Plan. If you have questions about the Genesee Health Plan or would like to see a question answered on our website, contact us at   or contact our Communications Coordinator, Shannon Ciszek, by phone at 810-232-7740 ext. 245.

Genesee Health Plan: Your Plan for Better Health.

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