Your Guide to GHP: How Does GHP Help the Community?
The Genesee Health Plan (GHP) was founded in 2001 with the mission of connecting Genesee County residents with affordable health care coverage. Since then, GHP has worked tirelessly to increase the community’s access to health care coverage and preventative health services, including doctor’s visits, cancer screenings, prescription drugs, mental health, x-rays and many more life-saving services.
As the health care landscape has evolved over the years, so has GHP. As the needs of the community change, GHP continues to find innovative ways to bring health care resources into the community in addition to providing health care coverage. For us to provide these services and resources, we partner with several community organizations. Here are some examples of how we work with our partners to help keep our community healthy:
- Preventative Care: Our number one goal is to help prevent health issues or illnesses before they happen. One way we accomplish that important goal is through our immunization partnership with the Genesee County Health Department and Walgreens Pharmacy. Every fall, GHP partners with the Genesee County Health Department for our Drive-Thru Immunization This is a convenient and easy way for Genesee County residents to get their flu shot so they can stay healthy all year long.
- Mental Health: Genesee County residents who have no mental health coverage can get assistance through GHP or Genesee Health System through a partnership between the two organizations.
- Senior Health Services: GHP is committed to helping the most vulnerable in our community, including Genesee County seniors. Through our partnership with Delta Dental, we’re able to provide our Senior Dental Program. The Senior Dental Program provides a preventative dental program for seniors, a key component of long-term health, which covers dental cleanings, oral exams, x-rays and dental health education.
- Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Program: Our Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Support Services Program, funded by a Flint Recast grant, is a free service that connects caregivers of children – including grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and siblings – with community resources and preventative health care services. The program also provides support services to the caregivers and the children they are caring for. Email Cindy Zedo at czedo@countyhealthplans.org for more information.
- Women and Minority Health Programs: At Genesee Health Plan, we are committed to reducing barriers to healthcare in our community. We have partnered with the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services to provide a number of programs for our community, including an expanded Minority Health Program, Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Navigation Program (BCCCNP), WISEWOMAN Program and more for women ages 40-64 who need mammograms and other preventative services.
- Motherly Intercession: GHP has partnered with Motherly Intercession to provide health care services to currently or previously incarcerated parents and their families to help them transition into a new medical home upon re-entry into the community. This includes helping families enroll in health coverage, find a doctor and much more. Email Jemeka Thomas at jthomas@countyhealthplans.org for more information.
- Bilingual Health Navigator: With support from the United Way of Genesee County, GHP has a bilingual health navigator on staff to help residents with language barriers in getting access to health care coverage and services.
- Community Health Workers: Launched in partnership with the Crim Fitness Foundation with funding from the C.S. Mott Community Foundation, our Community Health Workers are located in all Flint Schools and serve as front-line health education professionals who improve access to health coverage for uninsured residents and eliminate barriers to preventative health care services by connecting Flint Community Schools students, families and the local communities they serve with a medical home and community resources.
Thousands of Genesee County residents rely on GHP for health care coverage and services. If you need help navigating your health coverage options or would like to use one of our services, call our office at 844-232-7740 to speak with an Enrollment Specialist today.
Every Monday, we answer a commonly asked question about the Genesee Health Plan. If you have questions about the Genesee Health Plan or would like to see a question answered on our website, contact us at enews@geneseehealthplan.org or contact our Communications Coordinator, Shannon Ciszek, by phone at 810-232-7740 ext. 245.
Genesee Health Plan: Your Plan for Better Health.